السيرة الذاتية بالعربية

السيرة الذاتية بالإنجليزية

رسالة الماجستير
رسالة الدكتوراة
ابحاث الماجستير
ابحاث الدكتوراة
أبحاث مابعد الدكتوراة
البوم صور




 Publications from the MSc. Degree


    (1)    H. F. Sakeek, G.J. Malcom, and I.A. Armour, A Feasibility study for a laser-scanning hardcopier.  Central Electricity Generating Board, Research report, December 1989.



A critical evaluation of the performance of a conventional TV camera for iwpecting nuclear reactors is reported.  Improvements introduced on technique incorporating a laser scanning camera (LSC) including the melts and demerits are presented.

 The development of a prototype laser scanning hard copier device from computer aided optics design, acousto optic laser beam intensity modulator, scanning mirrors and their drive circuitry and photographic recording principles is described.   The theoretical performance and prediction of resolution capabilities of the present device are highlighted.   The feasibility of using such a device with existing laser scanning camera (LSC) is demonstrated.










جميع الحقوق محفوظة لدى موقع الفيزياء التعليمي 2006-2001
All rights reserved to the physics education center 2001-2006