السيرة الذاتية بالعربية

السيرة الذاتية بالإنجليزية

رسالة الماجستير
رسالة الدكتوراة
ابحاث الماجستير
ابحاث الدكتوراة
أبحاث مابعد الدكتوراة
البوم صور


Outline of My PhD Project

At The Department of Physics 

Queen's University of Belfast

Northen Ireland, UK


High Tc Superconductor then films by laser ablation techniques







Since 1984 the scientific world was excited by the discovery of high Tc superconductors above the temperature of liquid nitrogen in copper oxide-based systems.


The materials must be made into usable forms such as wire, thick films, thin films and bulk ceramics.  In the fabrication of bulk superconductors, problems with the brittleness of the ceramic make it difficult to machine the material into complicated shapes.  Also it turned out that the high Tc superconductivity in the bulk material suffered from low current density.


The availability of these superconducting materials in the form of thin films will be important from both scientific and industrial view points, especially for microand opto-electronics applications, and they could be used as interconnects in integrated circuits.


A variety of film forming techniques have been tried to produce high Tc superconducting films, such as electron beam evaporation, sputtering, molecular beam epitaxy and laser ablation.  However, for preparation of high quality thin film there are three main parameters (1) stoichiometry (2) crystallinity (3) substrate interaction.


Among these high temperature thin film deposition techniques being tried, the laser ablation is very effective, very reliable and have numerous advantages such as fast, cheap and have better control over the film stoichiometry and deposition rate, where in many cases an amorphous film is deposited and a post annealing step involving temperature up to 900oC is necessary to form the crystalline superconducting phase, however, the films made by laser ablation technique does not need high temperature annealing, this will prevent the substrate material from diffusing into the deposited film, thus more interesting substrate from industrial point of view can be used such as semiconductors.


 In the laser ablation technique, thin films are formed by condensing material ablated from the surface of superconducting target (Y-Ba-Cu-O) onto a heated substrate (720oC) in an oxygen partial pressure, by focusing 20ns excimer laser pulses (5-15j/cm2) at 10Hz for several thousands laser shots.  The vaporized and ejected material from the target surface condenses onto the substrate forming the film.



The aim of the project


The aim of the project is twofold, first to make the films and study their superconducting characteristics, second is the spectroscopic study of the laser induced emission and evaluate it as a possible method for process control in producing high quality superconducting thin films.


Film characteristics


Several deposition parameters can affect the film quality such as laser fluence, target-to-substrate distance, substrate temperature substrate material, laser wavelength and oxygen partial pressure, therefore the effect of each parameter on the film quality was examined by varying one at the time.


These films were subjected to different analysis techniques listed below:


1)  Resistance vs temperature (RvT) was performed by the four-point probe.

         2)  Energy Dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) to obtain the film stoichiometry ,contaminants and interfacial reaction.

         3)  Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) to assess the overall morphology of the films.

         4)  X-ray Diffraction (XRD) to investigate the film crystallinity.

         5)  Film thickness was obtained by using mechanical stylus (AlfaStep).



Plasma spectroscopy studies


As we are have been concentrating on optimizing the quality of films produced, we have been concerned with the ablation process itself in order to gain a fundamental understanding of the process and how it relates to the quality of the resulting films.  The laser induced plasma plume from the irradiated Y-Ba-Cu-O samples provide information on the nature of the ablated species, their expansion velocities and extent of ionization in the plume.


The plasma plume was studies by several spectroscopic techniques, such as optical emission and absorption spectroscopy,












جميع الحقوق محفوظة لدى موقع الفيزياء التعليمي 2006-2001
All rights reserved to the physics education center 2001-2006