فيزياء عامة (2)

محاضرة 14 فيزياء عامة (2) كهربية ساكنة تمارين محلولة على الجهد الكهربي

تمارين محلولة على الجهد الكهربي

أشكركم بامتنان على تبرعكم

(1) What potential difference is needed to stop an electron with an initial speed of 4.2×105m/s?

حيث ان الشعل يساوي التغير في طاقة الحركة

W = Δk = kf-ki

اعلانات جوجل

W = 0-ki

qV = -1/2 mv2

V = -(1/2 mv2)/q

V = -(1/2 x 9.1×10-31x(4.2×105)2)/1.5×10-19

اعلانات جوجل

V = -0.57 volt

(2) An ion accelerated through a potential difference of 115V experiences an increase in potential energy of 7.37×10-17J. Calculate the charge on the ion.

من تعريف فرق الجهد الكهربي فإن

VB – VA = Wab/q

q = Wab/VB – VA

اعلانات جوجل

q= 6.41×10-19C


(3) How much energy is gained by a charge of 75mC moving through a potential difference of 90V?

من تعريف فرق الجهد الكهربي فإن

VB – VA = Wab/q

اعلانات جوجل

Wab = q x (VB – VA)

Wab = 75×10-6 x 90 = 6.75×10-3J

(4) An infinite charged sheet has a surface charge density s of 1.0×10-7C/m2.  How far apart are the equipotential surfaces whose potentials differ by 5.0 V?

حيث ان المجال الكهربي للوح اللانهائي هو

E = 1.0×10-7/(2×8.85×10-12)= 5650 N/C

الاسطح متساوية الجهد تفصلها تكون عمودية على المجال ويكون الفرق في الجهد الكهربي بين سطحين متساويين الجهد 5 فولت اذا مانت المسافة بين اللوحين

V = Ed

d = V/E

d = 8.8×10-4m

(5) At what distance from a point charge of 8mC would the potential equal 3.6×104V?

بما ان الجهد الكهربي يعطى بالمعادلة

r = 2 m 

(6) At a distance r away from a point charge q, the electrical potential is V=400v and the magnitude of the electric field is E=150N/C.  Determine the value of q and r.



حيث ان المطلوب هو ايجاد الشحنة والمسافة فإننا بحاجة إلى معادلتين لايجاد المطلوب


بالتعويض عن r من معادلة الجهد الكهربي في معادلة المجال الكهربي ونجد قيمة الشحنة ثم نوجد قيمة r

q = 119nC

r = 2.67m

(7) Calculate the value of the electric potential at point P due to the charge configuration shown in Figure 5.19. Use the values q1=5mC, q2=-10mC,a=0.4m, and b=0.5m.


Figure 5.19

V = V1 + V2 + V3 + V4

بالتعويض عن القيم في المعادلة نحصل على قيمة الجهد الكهربي

(8) Two point charges are located as shown in Figure 5.20, where ql=+4mC,q2=-2mC, a=0.30m, and b=0.90m. Calculate the value of the electrical potential at points P1, and P2.  Which point is at the higher potential?

Figure 5.20

Vp1 = V1 + V2



نستخدم نفس الطريقة لإيجاد vp2

 (9) Consider a point charge with q=1.5×10-6C.  What is the radius of an equipotential surface having a potential of 30V?

r = 450 m

(10) Two large parallel conducting plates are 10cm apart and carry equal and opposite charges on their facing surfaces.  An electron placed midway between the two plates experiences a force of 1.6´1015N.  What is the potential difference between the plates?

V = Ed

E = F/q

V = (F/q) d

V = (1.6×1015/1.6×10-19) x 0.05 = 5×1032v

(11) A point charge has q=1.0×10-6C.  Consider point A which is 2mdistance and point B which is 1m distance as shown in the figure 5.21(a).  (a) What is the potential difference VAVB? (b) Repeat if points A and B are located differently as shown in figure 5.21(b).

Figure 5.21(a)

Figure 5.21(b)

لايجاد فرق الجهد الكهربي VAVB نحسب جهد النقطة A ثم جهد النقطة B


VA=4500 volt



VAVB = -4500volt

بالنسبة للمطلوب الثاني وهو ايجاد VAVB سنجد انه نفس الاجابة

(12)  In figure 5.22 prove that the work required to put four charges together on the corner of a square of radius a is given by   (w=-0.21q2oa).

Figure 5.22

نقوم بحساب الطاقة الكلية على النحو التالي والتي تعبر عن مقدار الشغل المبذول

U = U12 + U13 + U14 + U23 + U24 + U34




(13) Two charges q=+2×10-6C are fixed in space a distance d=2cm) apart, as shown in figure 5.23 (a) What is the electric potential at point C? (b) You bring a third charge q=2.0×10-6C very slowly from infinity to C.  How much work must you do?  (c) What is the potential energy U of the configuration when the third charge is in place?


 Figure 5.23

(a) the electric potential at point C

V = V1 + V2



W = q x V

W = 5.1J

(c) What is the potential energy

U = U12 + U13 + U23

U = 6.9J

(14) Four equal point charges of charge q=+5mC are located at the corners of a 30cm by 40cm rectangle. Calculate the electric potential energy stored in this charge configuration.


U = U12 + U13 + U14 + U23 + U24 + U34

  U = 3.5 J

(15) Two point charges, Q1=+5nC and Q2=-3nC, are separated by 35cm. (a) What is the potential energy of the pair?  What is the significance of the algebraic sign of your answer? (b) What is the electric potential at a point midway between the charges?


(a) the electric potential

U = -3.86×10-7J

حيث أن قيمة الطاقة الكلية سالبة، وهذا يعني أن الشغل المبذول للحفاظ على ثبات الشحنات سابقة الذكر سالب أيضاً.  نستنتج من ذلك أن القوة المتبادلة بين الشحنات هي قوة تجاذب

(b) the electric potential at a point midway between the charges

V = V1 + V2

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